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May 09, 2017


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"one area that I’m pushing the team to add in future releases is the ability to augment Ceph with our SDS portfolio. I know that for continued alignment with RedHat, we will keep Ceph (their SDS) as part of the stack for as long as it’s core to RedHat (the foreseeable future)."

As a Dell Technologies customer who buys RH OpenStack, and Ceph (and was looking at NFV) from your company at a substantial scale, this comment certainly has me concerned. If I wanted ECS, I would have asked for it... The reference architecture my team leveraged to build our solution showed us Dell knew what it was doing, and what was right for the customer. My employee sent me this blog, and it will now make us look at Lenovo or HPE for their comparable expertise in our November procurement.

Regards, J

Chad Sakac

@Jason - thanks for the comment.

I'm confused a bit - because I thought I was clear, but clearly, I wasn't. Do you mind re-reading the paragraph and telling me if I missed it? The operative word is "augment". I even note that it's clear to all that if we tried to substitute, we would not be aligned with RedHat.

Is there harm in giving you the choice of using CEPH and/or our Cinder targets and object storage targets? Surely that doesn't take anything away from you.

The whole post, the whole work to produce the RedHat Ready Bundle is a testament to the partnership. Do you think that providing a choice that each customer can decide if it's helpful to them is bad in some way?

(and if so - of course, as you note - you have choices).


Are you looking at a similar bundle with SUSE or provide an option around it?

Kyle Betts

" ...it’s been my experience that the RedHat OpenStack Ready Bundle (and OpenStack, Kubernetes, CloudForms in general) are best directed towards and used by customers who have a cloud operations team that has software development expertise and experience."

I work for a DellEMC partner, reseller and system integrator. We've seen enterprises have great success with OpenStack when its consumed as-a-service. Managed OpenStack gives customers the best of both worlds: an on-premise purpose built cloud platform, with a completely managed off-prem control plane. Customers receive all the benefits of OpenStack with none of the hassle of managing/hosting any of the components or projects. Plus, you can run it on VxRack Flex nodes! Double Plus, cinder-->ScaleIO = SDS yummyness!!

About 12 months ago I asked several of my VCE-brothas-from-anotha-motha to look at the managed OpenStack providers (like Platform9) as OpenStack-in-a-box-as-a-Service, but i think Neutrino was still the play back then. Maybe time for another look? Its hassle-free OpenStack for the masses (and especially the enterprise)!

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