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March 16, 2017


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ECS nodes in VxRack? Now we're talking! Block and object options with a single management and provisioning overlay is the ultimate datacenter solution.


VxRack FLEX has been one of my new favorite products, looking forward to the nextgen orchestration layers!

Aran Hoffmann

Fungible? Wow. I had to look that one up.

From our initial release of the product pre-VxRack days, ScaleIO has always been a fascinating platform. Great to see it maturing and being integrated into some awesome products.

Randy Thomasson

Great article!
As someone who is not immersed in HCI on a day-to-day basis, it's easy for me to sometimes get confused about what differentiates some of the Dell EMC HCI offerings. This does a great job of highlighting where they are different and what the design centers are.

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