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May 06, 2015


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Great post as usual Chad. Thank you for the update on P3 automation. Lots of research by lots of companies in this space especially with the growth of object storage.

Victor da Costa

One of the most exciting announcement for me... Can't wait to see what comes next!!!! Really smart/nice move, specially with more and more applications being built cloud-native, a common/scalable/flexible platform becomes mandatory.

Thomas Tar

Chad, do you know when Caspain will be available for download or if there's an early beta program for the software? Thanks.

Chad Sakac

@Dennis - thanks for the comment!

@Victor - it still needs work, but it's cool to get a peek at what we're working on!

@Thomas - it's a tech preview, which means "not before the end of the current quarter". We're starting the first customer council here in June.

sandy haddon

Kewl stuff...customers rarely understand what their needs are and this decision tree allows for their preference to drive the decision.


Can't wait to see Caspian in action. Any ideas on integrating Isilon with Caspian for Hadoop workloads?

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