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December 22, 2014


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David Rozum

I like this post, Chad. Thanks.

I predict that we will see fall-out at the corporate IT level from the open source vulnerabilities (heartbleed, shellshock, others), and from the Sony attack. Measured by changes to budget priorities.

I also predict that EMC will realize that they have a resource that has figured out how to turn the Titanic organizationally and is totally visionary regarding customer value, and will give you a new, challenging role. Measured by screams of dismay from the SE community.

Jasdeep Singh


As always, great to hear and read your insights and predictions. I'm totally on board with #1 and #5. With #DoMoreWithLess becoming a growing trend, Open Source and SDS may be the newsmakers (if not already).
As far as SDS is concerned, do you see ViPR sharing center stage with DataCore's SAN Symphony-V ? Also, will the VNX-F have a unified variant down the lane ?

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