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April 03, 2014


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Tom Queen

Hey Chad - awesome news. One quick question (asked on Twitter too). You note Metro is 10ms RTT. Historically that's been 5ms RTT. Is 10ms the new standard?

Tom Queen

Hermann Weiss

is it planned for VPLEX (hardware) to allow non-disruptive software-updates on the directors?
We stopped our POC with VPLEX, because we found that updates results in a 2 time 30 sec. downtime for all LUNs which are currently served by the booting VPLEX director. This was not acceptable for us.
EMC engineering says, this behavior is "by design".
Regards, Hermann

Iwan 'e1' Rahabok

Very interesting Chad! Since it is a virtual appliance, not a kernel module, how exactly does the IO traffic go from VM to spindle? Say the VM is running on ESXi 1, and the VPLEX appliance in on ESXi 2. The iSCSI block has to leave ESXi vmnic and go to ESXi 2 vmnic. How does VPLEX, being an appliance, ask ESXi to redirect the traffic to the VPLEX appliance.
How do we handle the availability of the virtual appliance? I'm assuming there are 2 VPLEX appliance running in the cluster. How do they do active/active? In the example above, does the SCSI block travel to both appliances? If it is not, and it just happen the first appliance dies/not responding, how many millisecond does it take for the second appliance to take over?

Thanks from Singapore

Daniel Saffran

For all I know, VPLEX does NDUs by design. Maybe it was some kind of bug? The KB was checked? (e.g. there was an DU Event in Combination with FOS 7.0.1 on Brocade Switches)

When can we expect to see Technical Documentation and/or White Papers for VPLEX/VE on the EMC-Sites?


1: VPLEX/ve is limited to 5ms not 10ms since we have not completed the testing
2: ndu of director is expected anyone not experiencing NDU should open an SR. If someone responded that it is by design to have a noutage i need to know who said it and an sr# to track it down.
3: there care a min of 4 vDierctors per cluster in a full ha config. Any single vDierctors loss does not impact availability.

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