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April 10, 2014


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Martin Glassborow

Well done Chad, long overdue...great move!

Markus Zappolino

Dear Isilon BU thanks for this gift and Chad to share it :-)


Most clients I have sold Isilon to has a copy of them. We also have the ability to get the client 90 day eval licenses through salesforce so the can test the different features for a period of time. I also have clients that will is the VSA to test different functions before applying it to the production cluster. Great product.


I may be completely dense (probably), however, I cannot find the download on the EMC site. Any direct link available?


Shawn, go to support.emc.com
Select "support by product"
Enter "onefs" in search box, then select.
Select "Tools", and you should see the download.


I was tasked the project of setting up our 1st Isilon cluster this week. I wanted to try and practice a setup before hand.

Downloaded the OneFS Simulator and had the first simulated node up and running less than 2 minutes, 4 nodes in less than 10 minutes!'

This is awesome!

thanks Chad and the EMC team.

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