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January 27, 2014


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I think this approach is brilliant, and much needed. Hopefully someone within VMware is working towards this same initiative.

Matthew Leib

This will be an amazing facilitator for both customers and partners alike. Great work to you guys!

Daniel Boesch

I think that's exactly the way we should go. Could make the life of an SE much easier, since our products sell themselves... :) Thanks for fighting for this!

Robert Soeting


Really, really, really happy with EMC releasing a 'test' version to the field. Have been bugging my resources to get me a demo key for a while.
Currently testing in my test setup. And hopefully I can get some funding asap to get this started in production. As this is the way to go for us. Is there any way to publish a small roadmap on when more releases of devices will be supported?


Michael White

I am impressed with the Architect. Would be nice to see more VMware stuff in it. Only one shape so far.

Thanks again for this great tool!


Nick standke

Is there any plan for an android version of the architect app?


Any idea when Architect is coming to Android? Or Windows?


Partner access soon for EMC Architect? :-)


A little late to post, however this is absolutely the best way to increase emc market share. Seasoned admins appreciate good software and *will* purchase amazing products, allowing them to easily try what is on offer is a no brainer.

Steph Torres

Any ideas on when the EMC Architect App may be available for macbooks or standard laptops?

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