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September 10, 2013


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Keith Norbie

Well said Chad. The interesting winner here may become the flash software players like Pernix.


How does this effect the next gen VBlock release and the relationship EMC and VMware have with Cisco? Doesn't sound good.

Marcelo Fandino

Agree with you that we are living in interesting times. Not only EMC will do smart moves. We need to focus on strengthening our partnership with Cisco adding value to the ecosystem. While we would be able to do this, it will work.

Glenn Grabowski

Hey Chad. I'm starting to use the "building block" analogy, too, as I discuss how to build a SDDC. Great minds think alike. haha.
Lines are getting blurred though as EMC tries to push it's server-side flash technology while Cisco acquires IP to possibly do the same(assuming they aren't looking at WhipTail to be an "array"). How will VCE choose which technology is used in a vBlock? Time will tell but it isn't exactly a positive event.

JP Morgenthal


It seems as though your take overlooks the architectural implications of Whiptail in the UCS architecture. If I understand correctly, Whiptail is a memory architecture. When linked into UCS I would expect it to provide addressable RAM for applications to run in. ExtremeIO is a persistence layer derived from Flash. Together I would expect unbelievable performance for moving data from at-rest to in-memory, but yet not overlap in capability. Someday, Cisco could determine to do a single level store where addressable RAM an persistent storage are one in the same, but for now it seems a pure Flash Vblock would require both Whiptail and ScaleIO.

What's your thoughts?


Disclaimer - EMC'er here. Still, I was as curious as everyone else on this one.

I really appreciate the clarity you bring to this conversation Chad. The combination of startup experience and logic makes everyone more informed by the end of the post.

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