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August 26, 2013


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Travis F

We're using RecoverPoint and very pleased with it's protection and reliability.

Regarding vSCSI, the manageability of replication granularity at the VM level and added simplicity / manageability from the VMware interface is a POWERFUL & much welcome improvement. How do we get our hands on it? Will it work with SRM?

How can we obtain vRPA's if we're currently using v3.5?


Yossi Saad

Good to hear that you use RecoverPoint and leverage its benefits. You can use the vRPA when replicating VNX, and can download the vRPA through EMC PowerLink at no additional cost. You need to be using RecoverPoint 4.0 or later (SP1 will be released in the coming days).
Note that starting 4.0 SP1, the RecoverPoint/SE configuration is customer-installable, on physical or virtual appliances.

Regarding the ESX splitter, we have just started our Beta program. The program is currently available only to VNX customers. Anyone interested to test and provide feedback is welcome to apply at: [email protected] . We apologize in advance as not all applications could be accommodated, since we have a limited number of seats available.

Yossi Saad

Justin Mirsky

This is great info Chad! Any word on managing Recoverpoint environments holistically from a single interface? For example, if I am replicating individual VM's and physical VM's using RecoverPoint, will it be a single management interface for both physical and vRPA's or will there be a separation?

Any chance the management interface will be getting added into Unisphere Remote? Managing RecoverPoint, XtremSF/SW, VNX and VNXe from a single console would be quite awesome :)


Hi Yossi
I am an EMC/VNX customer and I can't find vRPA for download on support.emc.com


Will this functionality only be supported on the virtual RPA? The virtual RPA is limited to only iSCSI. Are there plans for the vRPA to support FC? Or are there plans to introduce some of this functionality with the physical RPAs?

Chad Sakac

@antonio - thanks for the question! The plan is to a) make the vRPA work with a new vmkernel-embedded splitter (and therefore support any underlying storage under vSphere; b) and yes, expand to include FC support over time (using NPIV). The first has a firm date, the latter is dependent on the vSphere release schedule.

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