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May 06, 2013


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It would have been nice to see ViPer useing a NetApp Filer or HDS block. All these demo's use EMC products. It meant to vertulize ALL stroage platforms?


great post - thanks

Justin Mirsky

Hi Chad,

Great post on ViPR, any word as to when VPLEX will be supported with ViPR? Ideally, I would love to see the ability for ViPR to understand VPLEX in it's entirety meaning that you can configure the VNX/VMAX/Third Party arrays just as the demo showed, but then configure in a VPLEX 'array' and tell ViPR to provision to VPLEX, perform the discovery/encapsulation on VPLEX and then provision from VPLEX out to the host server(s). Once this functionality is available I believe that we will be in a much better position to pitch the 'software defined storage' idea to customers.

I personally love VPLEX and what it can do but have always thought it was missing some key functionality that I think ViPR will bring to the table. I have lots of other thoughts/questions but will hit you up on EMC e-mail after I have had a chance to play with the labs and try to figure them out myself :)




Chad, Great post! Thanks for the detail.

Venkatesh Krishnamurthy

Very Nice article with demos and use cases. Does VPLEX manage IBM DS8000 arrays too? Thanks a lot.

Chad Sakac

@Venkatesh - yes, you can have VPLEX be in front of IBM DS8000s

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