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January 17, 2012


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Well done Chad!
I'll also point out Chad was the only one not in a sports coat at today's kick off event.

He's subversive in a subtle way.
(And I dig it.)

Jeramiah Dooley

Chad, I couldn't be more excited for you. Having watched the evolution from the outside as a customer, partner and step-child (possibly red-headed), it's amazing to see how EMC's presence in the market has changed. I can't wait to see how the concept and excitement of a vSpecialist-like organization works at scale, and I know they couldn't have picked a better person to make it work.

Congratulations on the move, and please let me know if there's anything I can help with from my side of the house!

bobby khan

Bravo Chad! Well deserved and my best wishes and congrats!!!


Right guy, right place, right time, game on.

Nicholas Weaver

This announcement does nothing but make me smile. As one of the lucky guys that got to be close enough to see you work in person as well as see the effect your passion and character have on others (including myself), this fricking rocks.

I am so excited for all the presales guys/girls I know. Even though many of us predicted this happening in secret. It is an awesome testament to the vision and leadership at EMC to give you the shot to take EMC presales to the next level.

Congrats to you and all the Presales force,



@ Storagezilla - AWESOME observation about the sportcoat...the torch has been passed to a new generation :-).

Adam Hicks

Congrats Chad! Couldn't think of a better leader for the position, and I thoroughly enjoyed the embedded video. Thanks again for your help with Alcon, Novartis and my account patch. We're diving head-first into VPLEX and geo-dispersed VM clusters as we speak.

Clay Isaacs

Welcome back to where it all started Chad. It's been a long time since the days of boot camps and u-turn's ;-)

It will be fantastic having your energy and passion at the helm as we move into (and transform) this brave new world of IT.


Chad - Congratulations. This is the best news i've heard in a long time. Unification of a Mid-Tier specialty set of pre-sales ninjas makes EMC a very scary force indeed. Formidable, dominant, overwhelming. Awesume! Look out established players and newcomers. EMC has refortified and we're scarier than ever.

Josh Maher

Congrats Chad!

The presales folks are lucky to have you...


Thanks Chad! As an active participant in the vSpecialist community, I know that I am a better presales resource from learning from your manifesto. This is what our team has lived for the last 3-4 years. I hope the presales community is excited about being able to learn and spend more time with our great technologies. Our customers are going to appreciate being shown solutions.


Chad - I wholeheartedly agree with this manifesto. One minor comment, though. "and never go negative on the bad guy" -- I think should could be changed to simply "never go negative", especially with regards to competitors. :)

Congrats on the new role!

Scott Baker

Wow, from vSpecialist to SENinjas and dare I say CSESamurais. Chad, this couldn't have happened to a better and more qualified person. In fact, I am a little let down that it took the executive staff so long to really tap into the leadership value they have in you. All the best and congrats on the move. I can't offer the same help that Jeramiah did (obviously), but am very happy to see this happen for you.

I did find one thing in your post that may be inaccurate - I think you may have to add "super-overdrive" to your gearbox. Sounds like you're going to surpass "insanely busy".


Loved the Superman shirt =)

I for one welcome our new leader!

Travers Nicholas

Big congrats man!

I think of the manifesto as kind of like the iRobot: "Three Laws of Robotics". This is the trick to providing large-scale-autonomy - people don't need to ask the question when they can just run through the manifesto and 99% of the time they can work out the answer themselves.

This is an awesome change for the presales team at EMC, though ultimately it is EMC's customers who will benefit most. There's a lot of value in an autonomous, empowered, educated nerd. :-)



Fantastic definition for a presales: "technologist, passionate, and open and transparent."
Good Luck Chad!

Greg Bertoni

Congratulations on your expanded role! I'm looking forward the expansion of the cult(ure) of the personality personified by the vSpecialists.

Bernie Baker


As one of the "army" for the last few years I have had the pleasure of experiencing all that you can bring to an organization.

These are exciting times and they just got better.

Congrattulations to you! The EMC pre-sales orginization is well positioned for "face-melting" success in 2012 and beyond.

Sean Johnson

Outstanding leadership -> more troops -> success

Great move EMC and congrats Chad. You inspire so many.


Congrats Chad, well deserved. Everyone reporting will be vSpecialist now :), j/k

Larry Grant

You're the best leader I've ever had the pleasure of serving under. Congratulations on the promotion and I'm looking forward to a terrific 2012


Congratulations el jeffe`.

No fair stealing my theme music but hey I can share it as long as we agree the throne room entry shall be reserved for something really special.

Lead the way and I shall follow into the depths of Hades. Bring it!


Congratulation,chad! I'll take your side and EMC will have a powerful SE team!


AT last someone who we can believe in....congrats Chad i look forward to a great 2012...

Firat Ozturk

This is fantastic, "face-melting" news...
BlackOPs, Ninja's, Samurai's will be all around the world with a new army :)
Congratulations Chad


:-) Demo-Time Excellent!!!!!!! Giddy Up, Dude! - 4 Years of FUN, with many, many, many more to follow! - Garth

Jeff Boling

Thank you Chad for verbalizing exactly the soft reasons why I have joined EMC (other than the technical ones.) This is my 8th week here and am thrilled to be in the first class of TCs to get your mission credo at Live New Hire Training! From the viewpoint of the newbie at EMC, but a veteran of the storage industry and pre-sales, you couldn't be more correct in your assesment of what it takes to be highly effective and successful.


well done chad on your new position

Travis Foschini

Congratulations. You're a rare example to us in the community of someone who found a way to blend leadership with skill without giving up their technical edge and passion.

You asked for feedback... Can EMC provide a reliable tool to assess our non-EMC storage utilization for the purposes of scoping an alternative EMC solution?

As a prospective customer, I'm very frustrated with our most recent experience collecting ESXTOP data and sending to EMC for analysis to be given in exchange an extremely inflated analysis of our utilization and our needs. The report (from mitrends?) said our utilization was 4-7x greater than actual base upon submitted data. How can EMC and my technical sales engineer make that mistake? Furthermore, why can't they correct the mistake after 2 weeks?

What I want most as a prospective EMC customer in the pre-sales process is the following mapped to my org's needs... 1) an efficient path to obtain the features, advantages, and benefits of an EMC solution 2) presentation 3) proposal 4) a great storage solution

So far, the experience is severely lacking and less than I'd expect from EMC and your resources. I could add other frustrations but this is already long for a comment. TY.

Chad Sakac

@Travis - thank you for your comments - and thank you for giving us a shot on your environment. Will dig into your case - but to make sure it doesn't drag out - will email you directly as well!

Again, thank you!

Vikas Desai

Please accept my congratulations from the RSA part of EMC :)


Spend a few moments looking at the Pre-Sales Manifesto through the eye's of some Junior SE's in training... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xsSvyIUJ38

If you like it - LIKE it on YouTube - Thanks

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