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July 12, 2011


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Quorum's for clustering, what a unique and modern approach ;-)

Seriously though, great to see improvements on HA out of VMware and as ever a great write up on Virtual Geek!

iwan 'e1' Rahabok

Thanks Chad for sharing. Always enjoy reading your tech article.

Much appreciate info on this part: "VM HA configuration occurs much, MUCH faster, and also that VMs boot faster (due to changes in how VM protection state is handled)."

1. How many seconds does it take to reconfigure HA for a cluster of 8 nodes?
2. During the 15 second period where there is an election, what happens if: a host fail? a VM fail?
3. How many seconds faster for VM boot? I guess you meant the detection period here, because once the VM power on process start, it will be the same right.

Thanks from Singapore


In vsphere5, are agent VM's started on surviving nodes of an HA cluster or are they tied to a specific ESXi host?

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