PowerShell rocks.
With everyone under the sun starting to produce these like mad, and with many PowerShell experts on the team (Virtual-Al aka Alan Renouf – you rock!) I dug around and sure enough – there have been PowerShell cmdlets for EMC storage for a while internally.
PowerShell makes scripting a breeze, and since it is widely used by VMware and Microsoft and many others – there are so many cool potential use cases.
Just because these are posted in the “Everything VMware at EMC” community, they are just as applicable for Hyper-V use cases. Heck, they could be used for any use case.
The internal team (John Terescik – thanks!) asked to make it easier for anyone to be able to access them, so here they are for the world.
If you’re not an expert on PowerShell – don’t worry, it’s pretty darn easy.
If you want more info on VMware’s PowerShell cmdlets (for not just core functions, but things like VMware View also), I use the PowerCLI dream-teams handy-dandy reference PDF (really a great piece).
My ask = FEEDBACK. The EMC PowerShell cmdlet library is small, but will grow. One day, we’ll need a reference sheet like this :-) But – in the meantime, download them, use them, and please provide feedback directly, and bluntly – right on the forum where you download the EMC PowerShell Toolkit.
Is there a clariion simulator I can test scripts against. Do not feel confident running against live system yet.
Posted by: jason carney | October 08, 2010 at 06:12 PM