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September 13, 2010


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Mark Burgess

Hi Chad,

Does this include FLARE so that you can provision iSCSI native block or is only DART?

Many thanks

Nicholas Weaver


It is only DART 6.0. There is a Flare VSA which will be out sometime in the future. You can still provision iSCSI with the Celerra VSA using the DART 6.0 iSCSI.


Nas Admin

All I have to say is THANK YOU Nick! I have been waiting for this since EMC World, much appreciated.

Tom Miller

Your team ROCKS!! I've been trying for awhile to get the VSA to work with vSphere and SRM. Does this new VSA work with vSphere 4.1 and SRM 4.1. I've had issues with the network config running consistent.

Thanks for your hard work. Love the guys shirts at VMworld. Awesome.

Chad Sakac

@Tom - THANKS! They work hard have a lot of fun, I'm very proud of the whole team.

re the VSA and SRM 4.1 - YES. In fact, as of yesterday, Nick has posted an end-to-end video guide...


Rawley Burbridge

Hey Chad unrelated question but this was the top hit for your website + "Datamover".

On one recent KB (http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1023759)
there was an issue fixed that I had ran into in the past, storage vmotion stops responding at 18% due to not enough contiguous memory for the DataMover thread and it fails back to Application Layer movement.

Is there a location or way to read more about these types of low level operations? I'm inquisitive and would like to know more about topics such as this but haven't been able to find a good method to do so. I am curious about these specific topics but would also like to know in general for future "in depth" areas that may come up.


How to get a login to Nick's site which has the ova ?

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