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August 19, 2010


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A Facebook User

Hilarious, glad you guys are actually pulling this together. What is the time, and people better bring their cameras! There should be some awesome action shots (think meet the parents pool scene)


A Facebook User

Awww I see the time, I will already be gone, flight out Thursday afternoon. Go team Sakac!!!!!


I'm still in, aren't I?

Aaron Delp

Will this be open to the public? I'll be around that night so I'll bring the camera for some action shots and video. Too funny!!

Fred Nix

Message me (@VCEMonk) with any questions...

Or email fred.nix (a@t) emc.com


Chris Cicotte

I'm definitely in on this...sounds like its going to be a blast!


So, the tournament is just EMC vs. Cisco? Are there going to be pickup teams of people that will still be in town after vmworld?

Christopher Kusek

I had better be in this battle somehow... advise otherwise if I'm not.. :)

Mike Laverick

Do you have RSVP to come and watch. The other thing I'm worried about is why I would want to see some grown men run about in gold shorts and knee-high socks. Will there be any ladies on the teams?

John Furrier

Who is broadcasting this event? Geeks in tight shorts great for ratings:-)

Phillip Jones

This going to be open for those still around?

Lane Leverett a.k.a. @wolfbrthr

I'm all in. "If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!" - Patches O'Houlihan I'll bring the wrenches if you guys are game. ;')

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