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July 21, 2010


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Marc Farley

Chad, well written and you were careful not to misprepresent things, but readers might not read it the same way. For instance, readers could assume that Terremark's Enterprise Cloud was being run on VMax systems. That is not what you were saying though.

Chad Sakac

Thank you Marc - to be explicit - they use a whole whackload of products (and from what I hear, like many of them).

I feel weird being too explicit about a customer, but here's a more explicit list.

In their managed hosting business - there's our friends from Sunnyvale (NetApp), along with tons of EMC and boatloads of everything else - managed hosting tends to be dominated by "whatever the customer has".

In their cloud compute business, they use EMC, 3PAR and NetApp :-) Terrremark in Amsterdam is using NetApp (for now :-) In the Americas, it's mostly dominated by 3PAR and EMC (key technology partners are reflected on Terremark's site here: http://vcloudexpress.terremark.com/)

BTW - the architectures of 3PAR and VMAX are similar in some ways(while not the same) - both well suited to the technical decision criteria listed above. I would argue that both are very well suited (and we often compete furiously - in fact that "recent win" is actually at a MASSIVE cloud provider and was a toe-to-toe with 3PAR that EMC won in a tight battle, NetApp fell out in the hardware failure analysis phase of the evaluation.)

One thing that led to additional EMC use was Terremarks' expansion into Latin America, where they wanted all the technical capabilities, but also a partner that could support them globally.

This is a new competitive landscape, and one that it's great to have strong competition in :-)

marc farley

Chad, the link you posted above isn't working.

You know I have to ask, of those VMAX systems in the Americas, how many VMAXs are presently located in North America where most of their Enterprise Cloud business is. There are Latin American countries where 3PAR does not conduct business, which puts us at a disadvantage there.

There is a difference between Terremark's Enterprise Cloud (http://www.terremark.com/services/cloudcomputing/theenterprisecloud.aspx) and vCloudExpress (http://vcloudexpress.terremark.com/) offerings. It's not unusual for IAAS providers to offer different service levels comprised of different levels of infrastructure products. The link you gave looks like it links to vCloudExpress.

Finally, you mentioned a recent win in your comment above. I know that it does not refer to Terremark and I want to make sure readers are not confused by that. Hmmm, using social media to announce wins is probably a bad idea, but I can appreciate your excitement considering how dominant 3PAR's market share is in the IAAS market. Hey now! Should I start announcing 3PAR wins against EMC in traditional data centers? Just kidding :)

Jonas Irwin

Cool paper. I was a little suprised that it didn't talk about any of the advanced QoS (cache partitioning, priority controls) features in the Symm though.


Hi Chad,

Interesting paper. I did find a reference to a single V-MAX system in the Terremark vCloudExpress environment on page 8, although the location is not stated. That seemed a bit odd; I was assuming it took more than one to do SRDF. At the Terremark vCloudExpress link you posted, the feature set was very interesting. I did not, however, find any reference to V-MAX or EMC. Are there any further public references that would clarify the exact configuration and location(s) where V-MAX is used by Terremark that you could share?



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