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May 04, 2010


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I have read:

1) it has only a single controller;
2) it does not accept SAS drives.

To really hit the sweet spot, it should have dual controllers and accept SAS drives. A better low-end choice may be HP's MSA series.


From the press release: "The ix12 is certified for VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer."


HP MSA series is more than 2X the price, so understandable it has dual controllers and SAS options. IX12 is aimed at a smaller tier of customer than MSA. For that level, would be compared to Clariion AX4.


Anyone has a link to benchmark tests?
I'm curious how this rackable 'PC' with a lot of disks does perform, especially the IOPS you can get out of it :)


Two things I wonder about this, why only 2gb of ram and why so expensive? :(


If you don't need SAS drives and don't want to spend 5K$ ... you can grab a QNAP which is currently on the vSphere HCL.

This : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822107029

It can hold 8 drives this one needs 2.5" SATA. It's good stuff. You can get 8 x 500GB 7200RPM for cheap and have a nice little lab.

@Chad - Sorry I know it's not IOMEGA or EMC .... Don't beat me :). I promise I'll be good. LoL

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