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May 11, 2010


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So you're following Compellent in their footsteps :-) after the Automated tiered storage the new Unisphere looks very similar to their Enterprise Manager.

jim kunysz

how about granularized security? I would need to limit specific users to specific tasks on specific arrays. Will that be addressed?


Too bad we can't get it now. *wink,wink ... nudge :)*

Jonas Irwin

Chad - so awesome to see all the work of the last 3 years coming to fruition!


where can I download this unisphere for testing? thanks

Andy Ormsby

Hi - the link to the high def Quicktime recording doesn't work - I get "permission denied" :-(

Chad Sakac

@Fabiorapposelli - I don't know much about Compellent, don't see them too much. If their UI is simple and easy to use - I'm glad we look simple and easy too! :-)

So, since I'm not an expert, do they have a vCenter plugin, support flash as a cache model, integrate their array element manager with vCenter APIs, support compression and deduplication of filesystem? Dense storage configs? Continuous replication? Is their ZFS based NAS integrated in the management UI?

Look, my point isn't that they are bad, but that ANY vendor that claims to be "leading the WAY!" is smoking something. Each of us innovates constantly in our own way. Sometimes various players (big, small, startups) are first, and that's great. If you're a startup, you have to use that narrow window to get big fast. Having tried a storage startup, that's pretty hard. The window of opportunity while your thing is unique is generally pretty short, and storage adoption curves are hard. For every EqualLogic, there are 4 Lefthands and 100 Allocity's (the startup I was part of).

How much time is left on Compellent's clock, and what's the exit strategy? I don't know, and I'm not saying their stuff isn't great - frankly, I'm not qualified to say. I am qualified to ask the question.

@CC - I hear you - it will be out very soon!

@Anthony - the beta is full, I'll do what I can with the beta manager, but at this point, it might be at GA (which is soon!)

@Andy Ormsby - thanks for the heads up - link is fixed now.

Glenn Anders

I sat in on a webex with EMC today where Unisphere was shown...but I have been having trouble finding anything except the marketing stuff. It is available yet? Will it be downloadable on Powerlink?


It would be cool if you could change the "skin" based on the target application or OS. For example a Storage Orc skin would list LUNs, Used by, Name, etc - alternatively a SQL Wizard skin would translate those columns to Database, Log, SQL Server, etc. An Exchange Ranger skin would show Storage Group, Logs, Database, Exchange Server, etc.

Simple field name change, but much better usability (AKA Allocity concepts) ;)

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