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December 07, 2009


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Gunnar Anderson

Even if you have the default value of 1000 which you get when you change to RR and don't change the IOPS value to 1 the value will be changed when you reboot the server. So our solution for the time being is to set iops = 1 after each reboot.


The solution is edit the rc.local file (which basically is a script that runs at the end of boot up) to set the limit IOPS limit on on all luns

This is in the /etc

Run a nano and Enter this command, the only variable you will need to change is the “naa.600” witch pertains to the identifier on array

for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep naa.600` ; do esxcli nmp


The solution is edit the rc.local file (which basically is a script that runs at the end of boot up) to set the limit IOPS limit on on all luns

This is in the /etc

Enter this command, the only variable you will need to change is the “naa.600” witch pertains to the identifier on array

for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep naa.600` ; do esxcli nmp roundrobin setconfig --type “iops” --iops=1--device $i; done


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I totally agree with this comment, thanks for sharing, have a nice day!!


Any idea how this can be done on an ESX4i update 1 ??


Koen: this can be done just the same as on ESX. You just need to enable the unsupported Tech Support console and add the script posted by stuart to /etc/rc.local.

C Skovdal

Hi all
I found a workaround for the reset of iops values after reboot.
just run use the --config. And the changes persist after reboot.
Got a heads up from vmware that the error bug should be fixed in update 2

for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ | grep naa.600|grep -v :1` ; do esxcli nmp psp setconfig --device $i --config "policy=iops;iops=1;useANO=1"; done

Kind regards,
Christian Skovdal - Denmark

Ben Conrad

Looks like this is fixed in 4.0 U2, I have not tested it yet:


For devices using the roundrobin PSP the value configured for the --iops option changes after ESX host reboot
If a device that is controlled by the roundrobin PSP is configured to use the --iops option, the value set for the --iops option is not retained if the ESX Server is rebooted.

This issue is resolved in this release


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