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November 30, 2009


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Keith Norbie

I can't believe the streak is over; you referenced Data Domain!! As great as Avamar is (I'm a fan) backup remains THE hardest thing to unglue from an environment (retention scheme expiration, etc). The fact is a vast volume of shops are looking for the "make backup better" thing. Crazy but that's where DD is ruling, and ruling in volume. Nice benefit is you can hit it with SQL dumps, Oracle RMAN, any of the VMware backup native schemes, or commonly used point products like Veeam.

The unfortunate truth is IT doesn't think or act strategic. That's my theory on why VCE might fail. They act in budget cycles and manage project portfolios. Strategically insignificant (simple) products like a little old dedupe NAS becomes a GREAT combo for backup, archiving, and DR. They "out NetApp'ed" NetApp.

Absolutely love the deep bomb (Vikings reference) on Avamar and VM backup but I always love how DD get's overlooked. Simplicity


Hi Keith.
Data Domain is far from overlooked by any of us but they prefer to tell their own story as such I'd direct you to http://www.dedupematters.com/ for their commentary.

Though the way their systems just work when you slide them in one wonders how much illustration that point requires?

Mark Burgess

Hi Chad,

I understand that AVE 5.0 is not yet released. When it is available will we see feature parity with the hardware appliance (i.e. RAIN, Accelerator node for NDMP backups, Tape out support)?

I also see with the new Rainfinity FMA/VE that it lacks some of the key new features (i.e. archive to Windows servers and Atmos) - is this likely to change soon?

I find it a little frustrating when we are telling customers to move to the 100% virtualised datacenter, that they must buy Avamar and Rainfinity hardware appliances when VEs are available!!!

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Eric Kaplan

Hi Mark - the answer is YES to your FMA/VE question. Look for an early 2010 update.

Otto le Roux

Hi Chad,

Is it still possible to get a copy of your spreadsheet analysis? The Documentum links no longer have the document stored.

Great article, thanks.



Has the Networker patch been released yet? Any idea when we can expect to see the additional vStorage API support in Networker? This is particuarly important now that VCB is going end of life...

Tom Van Arkel

The link still seems to be invalid to download the high res WMV format.

Tim Xiao

Same question, Is it still possible to get a copy of your spreadsheet analysis? The Documentum links no longer have the document stored

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