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November 03, 2009


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While this is an interesting announcement, there's really nothing new here. Solution providers have been putting together VMware, Cisco and EMC solutions for months. This appears, to me, to just be another marketing gimic designed to give Cisco and EMC a leg up on HP.

Chad Sakac

@Kevin - respectfully, I disagree (though perhaps that's our destiny based on who I am, and your email alias).

Let me tell you a couple reasons why:

1) the management tools like EMC Ionix UIM manages the Vblock as what it is - not a set of parts, but rather a system. Likewise, EMC Ionix DCI integrates, correlates and shows dependency and root cause of the Vblock, vSphere, VMs and ultimately applications as what they are - not a set of parts, but rather a system.

2) Cisco and EMC can point to many things that make them more integrated with VMware than HPs server, network, or storage offerings (shortlist of examples: VN-link/Nexus 1000v, PowerPath/VE, vCenter pluging, storage that integrates directly with vCenter) as well as faster technology innovation that can be leveraged to be more efficient (FCoE + memory extensions on Cisco's side, scale-out storage, FAST, solid state, deduplication on EMC's side). This is the "quid pro quo" of the "best of breed" versus the "one stop shop". We're proposing a model that gets the good of both. It's up to us to execute against that, but that's what we're trying to do.

3) The ultimate express of the last two sentences of #2 is Acadia. For customers that buy into the principle that they are looking for IaaS built from best of breed, but integrated so much that they operate as an integrated offer, that ultimate expression is to ask: "can I buy this 'by the VM' but have it in my datacenter?" Acadia makes that answer "yes", whereas traditionally the only answer is "yes, if you use an external/public cloud".

Those are 3 quick reasons, at least in my book.

Thanks for the comment!

Jose Ruelas

what is your opinion on this?

sounds to me like HP says: us too

Jose R

Chad Sakac

@Jose - thanks for the comment. HP also has an full stack, and partners with VMware. So, what do we think is the difference?

Well - ask the following of HP (and anyone offering a VMware-centric stack):

- On storage: 1) what vStorage APIs do you leverage today?; 2) please demonstrate your VAAI support in K/L.next.; 3) what vCenter extensions do you offer for integrated management? 4) can you snapshot datastores and VMs (and the apps in VMs) in VMware and App-integrated ways?; 5) Show me your SRM solution; 6) If you're a big enterprise customer or a service providers, show how you can horizontally scale ports, brains, disks - at very large scale, starting small and getting big. 7) Do you support 10GbE/FCoE? And, what is your plan to implement and support FC-BB-6?

- On network: 1) Do you support network-level visibility to the VM level? 2) what are my options for network virtualization from the guest, to the adapters, through the network, all the way to the target/server? 3) can I manage my LAN/SAN in a single integrated fashion?

- On compute: 1) how do I manage a blade, a chassis and multiple chassis' - and can I copy and paste templates across the full stack? 2) how is your server particularly designed or suited for high-density, high power VMware-oriented configurations?

- On management: Is there one tools that can handle provisioning, change control, and remediation of the entire HP stack - from server, to chassis, to network/SAN, to storage array?

I'm not an expert on HP's offerings, so am not qualified to judge them - but they key thing I'm trying to say is that the engineering efforts of Cisco and EMC are VERY focused around this use case.

Our goal is to be best of breed, but also operate like one company. Hope that helps!

Kenneth Cheung

Seems to me your last point about public and private clouds starting to use the same building blocks is the biggest differentiator. Yes all integrators have a solution, but no, not everyone has the platform to do long range DRS of the workloads from a private VBlock to a Savvis or Terremark cloud!

I write briefly about this here on my blog. http://www.uptimesoftware.com/uptimeblog/agile/just-how-disruptive-is-cloud-to-the-technology-spectrum/


This is what HP strives to be, but will be a couple of year behind in this race.

louis vuitton bag

this part of the blog "There are a number of ideas that fall out of this, that explain, or connect, to very consistent behavior. " It was very interasante, thanks for the information!

Tulsa Bankruptcy

Well, This is the "quid pro quo" of the "best of breed" versus the "one stop shop". We're proposing a model that gets the good of both. It's up to us to execute against that, but that's what we're trying to do, thanx for the wonderful share.

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