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October 26, 2009


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I love these Appliances, makes it really easy as a consultant to get familiar with an interface before you go on-site. Keep 'em coming!


Are you saying that this Virtual App is free with no limitations other than limited support in production and it only works with EMC Storage?


Finally the official Rainfinity OVA release !!

More than a year after I saw it for the first time in your video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN00pC62YFI&feature=player_embedded

so excited to test it !

Chad Sakac

@ Marc - you know what's funny - in that video (I spaced out when I recorded it - there's loads of secret stuff in that video), it's Rainfinity GFV (the full filesystem virtualization/globalnamespace function), not even FMA :-)

Jay Weinshenker

That technology seems rather familiar to the EMC Disk Extender product.

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