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October 20, 2009


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Donald Poorman

Hey Chad - The one thing www.emccis.com is vague about is if there will be Internet bandwidth usage costs thrown into the model. Amazon currently does this for both S3 and EC2, mainly because it is a VERY profitable add on piece for providers. I even signed up for the service but couldn't see if that would be a factor in the final cost; EMC might be leaving money on the table if they ignore this.

Great post!


Gregory Matthews

Chad, thanks for putting real clarity to these concepts. Very helpful.


Jeff Aaron

Great overview, Chad. One thing to remember is that all of these models are reliant on adequate network performance. As storage moves into the cloud, it is more important than ever that the WAN has enough capacity and suitable throughput to support these initiatives.

That is one of the reasons why EMC has partnered with WAN optimization vendors, like Silver Peak.

Chad Sakac

@Donald - thanks. Variable rate items in this cloud use cases is a topic of much discussion (what's the right balance?)

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