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September 06, 2009


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Peter Learmonth

Hey, I was there! (Albeit a little late).
Don't you remember? The bartender closed, then went to wheel off the trays of glasses, so I jumped behind the bar and found a bin of beers behind the cloth!
Then we went downstairs, and some of us had a drink in the Redwood Room (http://www.clifthotel.com/#/explore/?id=redwoodroom) before staggering over to the Marriott bar, where some of your guys attempted to brainwash us ;-)
Great times!

Chad Sakac

You're right Peter - I totally spaced, and didn't see you in the photos. The brainwashing was a two way street, my friend... I really think we have a lot to learn from each other - and I love the exchanges always!

Always know that I can count on a Canadian brother to find a way to the booze when the bar is closed :-)

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