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September 25, 2009


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Krzysztof Cieplucha

What do you mean by "10GbE NAS connectivity" in regard to CX4 platform?

Steven Schwartz - The SAN Technologist


Looks like it isn't just a "future" for EMC.

Chad Sakac

@Krzysztof - The modern Celerra datamovers use the same storage engine design we use across EMC's storage platforms (and support the UltraFlex IO modules. They have had 1GbE and 10GbE support for a while. The future for us is clear - common platform, and where functionality can't be delivered in a given configuration, the "personality" (the software on the storage engine) is the difference.

@Steven - EXACTLY. Customers should be evaluating and adopting FCoE (on the host-to-switch leg) with confidence, as you can see from the University of Arizona case.

And, in that article, the customer stated (paraphrasing) - we're interested in end-to-end, and know it's on the N7K and EMC roadmaps. Bingo. And the article (and photo) above, along with our history of delivery of non-disruptive Ultraflex IO modules - is why they should know that when it's ready, they can add it to their EMC infrastructure.


FCoE is really important for people thinking about the DC networks over the next few years. Hence I asked Brad Wong, product manager for Nexus about the state of FCoE and where to use it today. Could have asked him all sorts of things but I thought this was the most important. This was from Cisco Networkers this week, see the video here http://rodos.haywood.org/2009/10/brad-wong-talks-about-fcoe.html



Still don't get FCoE... It's packing usefull data payload inside SCSI frame, FC frame and finally IP frame... Sorry, but this doesn't make any sense... Usefull data is in fact maybe 10-15% of all data transmitted over some sort of physical connection (copper, light)...

My oppinion is that FCoE is one step towards unified protocol (SCSI, FC, IP, IB, etc), but will use unified frame and increase the usefull payload to, I believe at least 50-60%... The only problem I see is that FCoE is a step in the wrong direction... :(

10GbE is heating processors (on any kind of bus adapter), and loosing 90% of usefull data while heating up the machines doesn't seem to be cool technology...

Chad Sakac

Calypso, FCoE doesn't get encapsulated in IP, only in ethernet frames. the standard also extends the Ethernet frames to align with the FC size (less fragmentation).

Just as importantly, the gen 2 CNAs have a lower TDP and power consumption than what most customers do today, which is ethernet and HBAs - so, cheaper, lower power. Not less than just 1GbE to be sure, but less than 1GbE + HBAs.

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