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August 26, 2009


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I cant wait to get my new V-max later this winter for the new data center.

mike shea

Looks cool, but seriously, the customers we both speak with are looking to do more with less. *Seriously* less.

I don't know, seems to me that these giant, extremely expensive storage behemoths are the dinosaurs of the IT landscape.

Did it just get cooler in here, or is it me?

PS - nice blue lights. Might have skipped them and returned the electricity to your customers... Every single bit counts.


@mike shea

Lots of shops still need systems like the Vmax, Not so much workload but features like Timefinder and SRDF and really just the uptime that a Symm in famous for.

Chad Sakac

@Mike (BTW - I always self-indentify as an EMCer when I comment on a NetApp blog) - like David says every customer is different.

We have solutions much smaller than the smallest NetApp array, and much larger than the largest. They aren't all architecturally the same. Sometimes that's a strength, sometimes it's a weakness. Every customer is different.

But... Re power - ummm - of an LED? That train of logic is, ummm.. illogical?

A single V-Max can consolidate the workload of many (equally true of EMC and NetApp) midrange arrays. For many customers, this can represent a MASSIVE power savings, millions of orders of magnitude greater than an LED powered by a 500mA USB port. I'm not saying that's right for every customer - some customers start small (with NetApp or EMC, or any other vendor). Conversely, I know customers with many mid-range arrays that consolidate down to fewer V-Max arrays.

If you don't like the look - ok, that's subjective, but seriously... the power draw of an LED? Seriously?

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