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August 26, 2009


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when is Flare 29 going to be GA :) I just got 6 400GB flash drives yesterday for my CX4

Chad Sakac

FLARE 29 is GA yesterday morning! David - let me know your experiences!


its not on PowerLink only FLARE 28 is, is it someplace else?

Chad Sakac

Lemme dig - will get the total answer for you.


I also need to know if it is compatible with Invista 2.2

Keith Norbie

Great update. Sounds a lot like you're approaching capabilities found in Akorri, etc. Can't wait to see it all next week. Is 10gb also in NS for iSCSI?

Chad Sakac

@David - the official post to Powerlink is on Sept 2nd. Will dig into the Invista config - will likely take a bit longer for that combo to be completed by elab.

@Keith - 10GbE for iSCSI (and NFS) on Celerra has actually been around for a while - from the small ones to the big ones. In reality, the larger NS-960's are a better 10GbE fit (it takes CPU horsepower to drive the throughput). Re: Akorri - I think they still do some things better than we do in VM-Aware Navi and Recoverpoint (single end-to-end performance view) - but we're not resting on any laurels!


thnaks chad! i also sent you a email the other day, i am sure you get 1000's of emails a day, had a question in there for ya if you get a chance, thanks!


Hello Chad,
Great post as usual.
I have problem to be sure of the solution i need for my datacenter
- one production site with 3 ESXs and about 50 VMs
- thinking to CX-4 or Celerra for storage
- backup site with a 20 Mb bandwith
- thinking to RecoverPoint/SE or CelerraReplicator for replication
My main question i can't find the definitive answer is : "will my replicated VMs and applications such as Oracle be consistent" or do i need replication manager or such ?

Chad Sakac

To get application consistency (and more importantly application-integrated recovery) you have to use something that integrates with the app APIs, and at EMC if using array replicas, that's Replication Manager.

Now, it is an awesome tool, simple and easy to use, and multiple access controls mean that app owners can even manage their own jobs.

BUT - I want to make it clear - SQL Server and Oracle honour ACID database properties and are guaranteed to be crash consistent. Recovery and log replay/handling can be done manually. Only Exchange remains the only standout where the JET database is not guaranteed to be crash-consistent. The horror days of Exchange 5.5 and earlier where literally it was 50/50 whether it would restart after a crash, however, are long gone. The vast majority of the time, even JET will recover from a crash - BUT THIS IS NOT GUARANTEED. For perspective on that - remember that a MSCS or WSFC (sometimes called single copy cluster) in essence uses crash consistency to recover from a server failure.

Hope that helps - and if not - ask for more, happy to provide more detail!

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