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July 08, 2009


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Todd Roberts

I seem to be having an issue downloading the high-rez version from ftp://ftp.documentum.com/vmwarechampion/Demonstration_Tools/PowerPathVE/PowerPathVE_Install.wmv

Simon Reynolds

Thanks for all the great info you provide on your site re using storage with VMware ESX. I have one question.

I've just seen that the VMware HCL has the following footnote for EMC storage arrays with ESX4.0:

"5. Certified with EMC Powerpath/VE MPP plugin applied. Please see http://elabnavigator.emc.com."

This implies that there is no support without Powerpath/VE -- is this true?

Chad Sakac

@Simon - Thanks - it's a labor of love :-)

Yeah - that HCL entry is unclear. All the EMC entries on the HCL are **ABSOLUTELY** supported **WITHOUT** PP/VE. That entry is meant to show we certified BOTH with the native multipathing **AND** the PowerPath/VE MPP.

Let me see if I can get an update to clear that up...

Chad Sakac

@Todd - I fixed the video (URL boo-boo, and initial upload was truncated), can you try downloading again?

Todd Roberts

@Chad - Strange. Still no go.



Did you ever test PPVE against the FAS6030? Any performance improvement?

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