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June 22, 2009


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Andrew Storrs

You're right Chad, we need to practice getting a few people on the podium before 2010. Off to vote for you now. ;)

Mike Shea

Eh?? No worries - you guys always will have Hockey... And Celine Dion. (We are sending her back!)

All that aside - this is one of the better VMware oriented blogs. I am sure you'll do well in the final tally.


Sorry Chad, not voting for you coz you're Canadian. :-) But voting for you coz of everything else.

You got my vote for the top spot because you shared your knowledge with all those willing to listen (in our Singapore class) and the stuff that we see on your blog everyday...in the most professional manner that I've never seen before. Thanks again.

Hope you win.


Chad Sakac

@Andrew, @Edwinder - thanks!

@Mike - thanks? :-) I try, and I really do appreciate the comment coming from a strong competitor such as NetApp. It's hard to stay even handed (and not EMC-centric, or worse anti-anti-EMC-centric) when there's so much bad stuff out there (from all sides), but I sincerely give it my best effort.


Already voted and you are on the podium as far as I was concerned. I recall a party a couple I know of mixed Canadian/American citizenship where having and the Canadians were going on, as you are wont to do, about famous Canadians that Americans assumed where American. Someone brought up Pamela Anderson at which point I blurted out that she may be Canadian but her best parts were made in America. If only I could be clever when sober ... sigh

Good luck to you.

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