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April 06, 2009


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Duane Haas

what about celerra with ISCSI?


myself and a co-worker get the same erorr after clicking the enable box on the plugin.

Exception has been thrown by the target of the invocation.


I'm getting that same error "Exception has been thrown by the target of the invocation." Dont have Symmetrix but have a few Clariions.

Don Pichette

One thing to note is that the current distro only supports U2 and U3 (see the README for other version details) and that's likely what's causing the error. Workaround is to install an older (U2 or U3) client on a workstation in an environment that's been upgraded, until a new kit comes out that supports U4 (~ June timeframe). To submit additional feedback, al;so please use the links at the plink download site.

Also, Celerra iSCSI is not currently supported but we are evaluating the feasibility of doing so.

Craig Waters

Appreciate your efforts in brining this to the masses Chad. Many thanks for your open approach to all things virtual! Thanks for listening.



storage Viewer 1.1 was released and it support ESX 3.5 U4

Chad Sakac

Thanks Itzik - there's so much VMware stuff going on at EMC it's something to stay on top of it!

Glad to have you at my side!

Chad Sakac

All - Storage Viewer 2.0 has been out for some time (at the same location), and support vSphere, has better ease of use, broader work on CLARiiON (both iSCSI and FC).

Make sure you get it! The team is working on v2.1 already, so feature requests are welcome!


Is Storage Viewer meant to provide the equivalent functionality that Navisphere Agent + ESX? Namely the ability to provide the ability to associate Datastores to array LUNs?


Where I find the Storage Viewer for Clariion?

Jack Rodolph

Thanks very much for the link through Powerlink. I didn't manage to find it out. Now, I got it. I was looking n the Software Downloads...
Thanks again !


Hi All, has someone experience with vshpere4 update 1 with the storageviewer Vers. 2.0 plugin and is it supported in this combination? Thank you for Answers.

Itzik Reich

Hi Torsten,
for vSphere Update 1 you need to use Storage Viewer 2.1 (which is available at powerlink..)

Dan Israel

I'm receiving "EMC Storage Viewer for vSphere Client installer requires EMC Solutions Enabler 7.0.1 or later" error.

I'm running an Clariion AX4-5 with Navisphere Express. Is this why the error?

Justin Keiser

Has there been an update to Storage Viewer to support iscsi?

Zumba Fitness DVD Set

Some question with Justin Keiser :D

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