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February 13, 2009


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the storage anarchist

Chad -

One note about that cache hit rate table - it uses 6ms as the example response time of a 15K rpm drive. This response time is BEST CASE for a 15Krpm drive, and is usually attained only if data is stored on a fraction of the drive (to minimize head movement). It is not uncommon to see heavily loaded 15K drives delivering 10 or even 20ms response times - under these same loads an EFD will still deliver virtually constant 1ms response.

Said another way, 2-6x is the WORST CASE improvement you can expect from EFDs.


> One note about that cache hit rate table - it uses 6ms as the example response time of a 15K rpm drive

Those must be old crusty drives.

> This response time is BEST CASE for a 15Krpm drive

Maybe 7 years ago, sure.

Here's a 450 GB FC or SAS interface, average seek of 3.4 ms:



never mind. it was late. 3.4 + 2 ms = 5.4 ms for response, not 3.4 ms you have to account for latency. It is late, sorry.

Nike Air Force 1

Fold a beautiful shapes,Carrying my endless blessings, Captures the fresh morrowind, Fly by your side, May this paper cranes stope in your heart, For you to Rome yesterday, Welcomed the exhaustion of happiness tomorrow!

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