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November 27, 2008


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Great posts on the Celerra Virtual Appliance. Can't wait to see the SRM config. It is a great to have such an appliance without any limits!

Jeff Thomas

Thanks. This cured the ills for my setup! I was able to modify both of the Celerra sims I have running with data on them. I had to delete the replication job that had already created, create a new job with the wizard, and it started going.

I got it done two nites ago and it has been running fine since (a good way to wrap up the holiday!) Without this mod, it would go for ~4-12 hrs before the job would stop.

Paul Wegiel


Not sure if anyone has run into this.
I found out that the File System has to be the 20-150% bigger than the replicated LUN not just on the destination, but also on the Source. I found out the hard way and after playing around for a while (I was getting the "version set out of space" error when trying to replicate). Increasing the size of the dest. FS did not help. Finally I changed the sizes on both source/remote Celerras and worked like a charm.

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